Sustainability Cannot Be Sustained!

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In the early 2000s, brands  started to take the field with "sustainability" jerseys. Although  they preferred the "green" color for the jerseys  , the green of each brand has become quite different from the other over the years. While some of them remained faithful to the original, we witnessed that the green color was dirty, ...

How will reputation management be tuned?

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  The main mission of corporate communication is to manage the corporate brand. The material on this; the company's culture and values, the corporate purpose, and the CEO's vision. These are also raw materials related to managing corporate reputation. Corporate communication has responsibilities such as checking the consistency of this material with each other, similar to ...

How has the international PR world raised the bar for quality?

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(*) Written for the 8th issue of PR ATÖLYE magazine published by Istanbul Aydın University.  At the beginning of 1997, while I was browsing Yahoo, which performs the function of Google, in curiosity about what was going on in the PR world, I came across the ICO International Communication Consultancies Organization (it was written with a ...

The secret is in the current “Influencer Stakeholders”

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In my presentations on reputation management, I direct a critical question to the audience: Who do you want to be credited with? Which of your characteristics does being perceived in carry you to the reputation league? Unfortunately, the answers to these questions, which are very decisive and  which we can already call "indispensable", do not appear ...

Technology’s reputation has crashed and shattered İn  the “Blue Screen”!

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(*) Written for the July-August 2024 issue 54 of BrandMap magazine.) Friday, July 19, 2024,  went down in history as a document that he had a special seat among the "Black Fridays". With a software update under Microsoft's management, life on a global scale has almost stopped! The $3.2 trillion company may have lost 3.7% of ...