How will reputation management be tuned?

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The main mission of corporate communication is to manage the corporate brand. The material on this; the company’s culture and values, the corporate purpose, and the CEO’s vision. These are also raw materials related to managing corporate reputation. Corporate communication has responsibilities such as checking the consistency of this material with each other, similar to the obligations of the first violinist in philharmonic orchestras to ensure the harmony of all instruments before the concert. In companies where this harmony is not made, it is inevitable that a different voice will come out of each head. Naturally, there is no reputation here.

A second point is the foresight to take actions to adapt the company to the changing values on a global scale without delay. Delays here, ignoring them, can cause crises that will be paid very heavily later.

Among the main functions of corporate communication, there are two points that cannot be squeezed in between daily work. The first is that the CEO supports his competencies in reputation management with material that will add value to his intellectual richness in order to relate his vision to him. The other is; These are activities aimed at raising awareness that everyone’s work, especially at the executive levels, is directly related to the company’s reputation and business results.

As a result, the more up-to-date, rich and adaptable corporate communication keeps its own equipment on these issues, the more it contributes to the corporate reputation.

(*) Written for the April 2024 issue of Business Life


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