What is reputation?

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As we stated clearly reputation starts in the company and surely employees drive it. Here is the piece of the text of the latest example by Google employees to the Public, appeared at a full page ad at the New York Times; “...We cannot outsource the moral responsibility of our technologies to third parties. Google’s stated values make ...

Being Responsible for Our Responsibilities

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I attended Brand Week Istanbul organised by MediaCat in early November. I gave a speech entitled “Being Responsible for Our Responsibilities” on the morning of Thursday, 9 November. I would like to share my talk, on which I got comprehensive positive feedback, for the people who were not at the event. The First Sustainability Business Card I ...

Public Relations should (only) be a Master’s Programme!

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fi̇lm top trailers in hd - blogger I attended a "stakeholder meeting" hosted by the Dean’s Office for the Communication Faculty at Istanbul University late November 2017. I don’t know if any other universities hold similar meetings, but that really was the most efficient and high-quality event I have recently attended. There was a small ...

More Responsibility Brings More Reputation! (*)

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ListeList I’m reading a book called Practical Management Philosophy. It was written by Konosuke Matsushita, who founded Panasonic, one of the most innovative and creative brands of the 20th century. This is, of course, not the only book written by Matsushita, who was born in Wakayama, in Japan in 1894. I had a look at his ...

Do You Know Who I Am?

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Osho A sentence that we, the Turkish people, desperately try to hide behind when we cause a problem or feel guilty “Do you know who I am?”  After all, we would not need to quibble about our identity to remind someone who we were unless we had a problem or we were guilty. We make it to the ...