I don’t trust you!
I don’t trust you either!
Actually, I don’t trust him, too.
We, too don’t trust them. Oh, okay we can still do business!
This is the situation of insurance industry that manages over 20 billion liras. (App. 20 Billion USD)
The gigantic income from things may or may not happen in the future is being very well managed in this “insecurity” situation. The weird side of this story is, the ones who pay the premiums, I mean us, even though we know this, we still pay it.
In terms of their say:
When a “damage” occurs…
How coincidentally(!)
Our policy doesn’t cover that.
It is a shame ‘cause we could have paid a few pennies more and included that, too.
The reputation scores of insurance industry were published back in October 2012 in BrandAge magazine.
Among 12 industries, guess which industry is at the very bottom of this listing?
You are correct.
Insurance Industry!
The insured doesn’t trust the insurance company but still pays it.
The insurance company doesn’t trust the insured but can’t do without him.
The expert doesn’t trust both the insured and the insurer but these are its raison d’être. The insurance company doesn’t trust the expert but relies on his reports.
Nonetheless, there are 20 billion liras on the table!
Without a reputation backing it up…
With a respect at a new low…
Right in the middle of a trust erosion…
So its some kind of a “freak”, defining success by collecting over 20 billion liras from things never happened as if it is a merit!
May 24, 2016
An inelnligtet point of view, well expressed! Thanks!